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Haryana Kisan Kalyan Pradhikaran

Government of Haryana

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Powers and Functions

The Haryana Kisan Kalyan Pradhikaran exercise the following powers and perform the following functions, namely:-

(i) to take all possible policy decisions and undertake such measures as per the advice and recommendations of the Council for the welfare of the farmers including landless farmers and their families;

(ii) to take such measures for identification of real farmers including landless and tenant farmers in the State and prepare new schemes for the welfare of such farmers;

(iii) to prepare a comprehensive land use policy for agriculture and allied sector and identify viable land holding size for agriculture to be profitable;

(iv) to mitigate the distress of farmers during natural calamities by providing suitable relief and adequate compensation for loss of crop and also provision of insurance for the health and life of farmers and their families;

(v) to identify crop pattern wise farmers in the State and undertake specific policy decisions / measures for the welfare of such farmers; (vi) to take such measures as to make agriculture risk free in changing climatic conditions and to promote climate smart agriculture practices amongst farmers;

(vii) to formulate suitable policy intervention to enhance agricultural productivity and to take such measures to reduce the cost of production by synergizing the efforts of all stakeholder Departments;

(viii) to take such policy decisions and undertake such measures to increase farmer’s income through multipronged interventions such as:

(a) reduction of input cost;
(b) increase in productivity;
(c) crop diversification (shifting from low income crops to high income/high value crops);
(d) integrated farming;
(e) mixed farming;
(f) post harvest management, value addition, packaging, branding and agri-business services;
(g) institutional credit access;
(h) risk management;

(ix) to take measures to ensure assured and remunerative price of agriculture / farm produce to the farmers;

(x) to formulate suitable policy for increasing public investment in the development of infrastructure for post-harvest management and for marketing of agriculture produce and to invite / increase private sector investment;

(xi) to promote sustainable agriculture through efficient management of soil and water resources;

(xii) to promote initiatives for Agri-Entrepreneurship and skill development amongst the farmers of the State;

(xiii) to take such policy decisions and undertake such measures so as to increase the direct participation of farmer families in the agriculture market in a phased manner (Direct Marketing);

(xiv) recommend to the Government to acquire, in accordance with any law for the time being in force, land for the purpose of the Pradhikaran;

(xv) acquire, lease, hold, manage, maintain and dispose property, movable or immovable, other than land;

(xvi) enter into contracts or agreements with any person, board, company, local authority or other agency;

(xvii) form with the prior approval of the Government and on such terms and conditions, as may be approved by the Government, joint venture companies and limited liability partnerships, with boards, companies or other agencies;

(xviii)to do all such other acts and things which may be necessary for or incidental or conducive to, any matter which may arise on account of exercise of powers and performances of functions and which are necessary for furtherance of the objects for which the Pradhikaran is established;

(xix) any other function, as the Pradhikaran may deem fit.

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Information is provided and updated by :  HKKP